• Pure Genius

    This morning, I thought the weather was going to be nice, so I decided to ride my bike to work. It was a nice ride going in to work, but it was fantastic, coming home. Why? The White Sox had a home game this afternoon. When I reached Sox Park, traffic on 35th was pretty much backed up all the way to Ashland. It was awesome to be able to ride between the cars and get home quickly. I’ll have to ride again tomorrow because I think there’s another game.

  • Have Electricity

    Since I couldn’t sand the drywall on Sunday as it was still wet, I did some electrical work. I disconnected the old wire from the breaker and installed a new one. I then went to the bedroom and plugged in a lamp in one of the outlets I’ve installed. IT WORKED! HAPPY DANCE! I then shut the breaker back off because I haven’t finished putting the other outlets and switches in.

  • Day Off

    After a full day of taping yesterday, I took today (Sunday) off. The main reason was that the mud I put on yesterday was still a little wet. So I couldn’t really sand anything. Tomorrow after work, I’ll start sanding and then see how much more mud I have to apply.

  • Drywall Taping

    I’ve started taping the drywall and it’s slow going. It took me a while to get the hang of getting the paper tape up, but I seem to have this part down. Unfortunately, I ran out of paper tape. I have about two more walls of seams to do and should get to them tomorrow morning. Once the “tape” layer is done, the next layer is the fill layer. This is where a little artistic talent will come in, I think. At this point, I need to start to make the walls look smooth. The nice part is that I get to start using the nice metal 8″ trowel instead of the crummy 6″ plastic one that I’ve been using.

  • First Big Mistake

    So, the drywall is done and I’ve started taping. I just did a couple of seams in the closet, to see how it dries and how it will look tomorrow. It’s slow and messy, but definitely doable. I might have to do more sanding to get rid of mistakes, but I think I’ll be able to make it look nice.

  • Drywall Practically Done

    I have all the large pieces of drywall hung. All that needs to be finished is some small pieces to fill in a gap in the ceiling and some pieces around the windows. Taking the day off of work was great. Now I have to study up a bit on how to do drywall taping.

  • Day Two of Drywalling

    Paul came over and we pretty much finished all the sheets that needed two people to hang. The rest of the pieces I should be able to do by myself.

  • Switch Installed

    The new switch I ordered arrived the other day. I set it up and now am able to successfully have coldandheartless’ mail working. I’m still having some problems with getting webmail working, but since no one is going to be using that, I’m not overly concerned with this problem.

  • Starting to Look Like a Room

    The family came through today. We got a lot of drywall done, though not the entire room. We ran out of both drywall and screws, so had to stop. But we finished the ceiling, which was pretty hard and part of the walls, which was great. On those walls, I only have to put the lowest pieces on, which should be easy. This week, I need to go and buy more drywall, screws and a few other things. But the room is great. It’s actually starting to look like a room and I’m LOVING it.

  • Out of Energy

    I got an early start this morning and got a lot done. Unfortunately, I didn’t get everything done that I wanted. Tomorrow is the drywalling party, and I’m close, but not quite ready. I’ll have to get up early tomorrow and finish putting in the insulation in the new wall in the closet and the ceiling of the closet. I also need to buy a couple more 2x4x10s to finish the closet wall and to make the T for holding up the drywall.

  • I Have Drywall

    Thanks to my brother Paul for coming over last night and helping me buy drywall, I now have 14 sheets of 5/8″ drywall in my garage. As soon as I finish putting up the walls in the closet and insulating, I should be ready to hang it. This weekend might be a bit soon, but I should certainly be ready by next weekend.

  • Plaster Is Gone

    So there is no plaster left in the bedroom. (Finally!) I even put up some photos to show the progress. They are here.

  • Upcoming Computer Projects

    I’ve ordered a new switch to use so that I’ll be able to properly set up coldandheartless so that mail will work. This should be a pretty easy fix once the switch arrives.

  • I’m Exhausted

    We had to do some new poses today in yoga and they were difficult. Thus, I was already sore when I started working on the house today, but I haven’t done much lately, so I had to do some work. Today, I continued working on the closet. Basically, just taking down plaster and trim around the door and window. I’ve also decided that I’m going to move the entrance of the closet. This way, the light from the window in the closet will get to the rest of the room. After I took the plaster and lathe on the closet wall down, I realized that I really like having the light from the window in the closet come into the room.

  • No Work This Weekend

    Family obligations take precedence, so there is no work being done on the house this weekend. I’ll have to try to do something during the week to make up for this.

  • Welcome

    So I’ve decided to use this blog to, mainly, keep track of the work going on in my house. I might add other things here and there, but since my life is basically about the house right now, this blog will be too.