Julie, Tori and I riding to Jack and Em's house
Taking a picture of Tori over my shoulder
Jack ready to go
And we're off
At the park, we get water from our backpacks
Tori and Julie cooling off in the shade
The gang checking out the grapes
Who knew grapes could be so much fun?
What else can you do with them?
Put them everywhere!
They're tasty too!
How many grapes did we bring?
Jack on the court
Tori looking for the overhead smash
Tori and Emily preparing to serve. The person who had a ball and yelled "Serving" was allowed to serve in the game we played. I hesitate to call it tennis.
Our record of continuous hits was seven. We tried for ten, but failed.
Em on the swing
My niece Abby is ADORABLE!
Our White Sox wearing picnickers
Abby borrowing my hat to go with her jersey
Where'd she go?
Getting a push from bro Jack
Will it be an underdog?
Down the fun rolly slide. Aunt Mary liked it too.
Jack breaking all park rules
Rules, we don't need no stinkin' rules
Em going for a ride
Ok, they're being creative, so it's good.
Jack demonstrating the only way across the bridge because as you can see, there is no bridge there.